Can we select cows for reduced methane production? This is a question that genetics researchers around the world are tackling, as we seek to reduce the environmental footprint of dairy farming. Dairy cattle...
This back-to-school season, more students are meeting teachers who are prepared to accurately talk about the science behind dairy farming. That’s thanks to efforts led by dairy checkoff and agricultural...
It’s not as exciting to talk about as your herd’s production levels, genetic accomplishments, or crop performances, but safety can be just as impactful on the farm’s bottom line
A baker’s dozen of counties produced one-fourth of the nation’s federal order milk that was marketed last year. Those are the same 13 counties that led this list in 2021 as well
Whether you are looking at a job description for a farm employee or a banker on Wall Street, there is likely one word found under the required skills for both: communication
Talking about sustainable advancements in agriculture can feel like trying to hit a moving target, especially with so many entities involved along the supply chain from farmers to consumers
Dairy farmers strive to get the most return on investment from every asset on their farm. One part of the business that might be overlooked as an asset, though, is the feed center
“Global opportunities are now an integral part of our business,” shared Randy Mooney during the chairman’s address at the 25th Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) annual meeting on March 21,...
It’s meeting season. This is that tiny sliver of time when winter seems to have backed off enough to not be as big of a trouble (although this winter seems to be testing that, or maybe we are just...
While it would be awesome to simply feed cows the crops grown just across the fence and stored on-farm, unfortunately, this almost never comprises the entire diet. Hence, we live in a world of trucks
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
We are approaching three years since the COVID-19 pandemic started. As the disease becomes endemic, we start to see the unintended consequences of control measures. While these measures saved lives, m